Ayelet Perlson
Type of Therapist:
Expressive Arts Therapist
Primary Degree(s):
Average Cost Per Session:
250-350 NIS
Private Insurance
Discounts Available:
Sliding Scale | Free Consultation
Office 1
  • Pardes Hana
Office 2
  • Zichron Yakov

Ayelet Perlson Verified Verified

Type of Therapist:

Expressive Arts Therapist

Primary Degree(s):


Average Cost Per Session:

250-350 NIS


Private Insurance

Discounts Available:

Sliding Scale | Free Consultation

Office 1
  • Pardes Hana
Office 2
  • Zichron Yakov


My passion for art and helping others center themselves within the ebb & flow of life's journey, has led me to art therapy. I am a licensed Art Therapist with experience working both privately and in groups with children, adolescents, young adults and adults. I have experience in psychiatric settings, as well as clients dealing with depression, anxiety, emotional regulation, trauma and life transitions.

Why art therapy?

Expression through the use of materials enables a hidden place of emotions and the self to surface. It can lead to an understanding which expands beyond the ability of words. Our use of speech comes from a conscious, intentional place. Our life's narrative can be a familiar one. Creating with a variety of materials allows a certain flow from our psyche, unlocking subconscious images which appear, in order to tell us a story which may hold new insights. The creative process and images can break through the conscious barrier and enable a deeper journey of transformation and recovery.

My therapeutic approach focuses on the creative process and its healing effects, as it occurs within the safety of the therapeutic relationship and space. I believe the base to all therapy is first and foremost to develop a trusting relationship between patient and therapist. Together we explore your relation and use of different materials as a reflection of your relationship to the world. The created image then allows further reflection and insight, leading to a transformative and empowering place of growth. I am fascinated each time anew with the discovery and healing that occurs throughout this creative dynamic.

If this sounds like a path that could be helpful for you, please get in touch and we can speak further. I look forward to being a part of your creative journey!


Year of Graduation


David Yellin Academic College of Education



David Yellin Academic College of Education

Year of Graduation
Years in Practice


Learn more about GHI's verification of therapists here.


Certified Art Therapist - Seminar Hakibbutzim 2013





Behavioral Concerns In Children

Life Transitions

Mood Disorders

Stress Management


Anxiety / Panic

Borderline Personality Disorder

Personality Disorders


Trauma / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD







Art TherapyArt therapy has clients express themselves through creative mediums such as drawing, painting, collage, coloring, or sculpting. Clients can interpret their subconscious world that is expressed in their art which could lead to a better understanding of their feelings and behavior. Artistic talent is not a prerequisite for art therapy as it’s not as much about the end result as much as it is about the process. The therapist looks for meaning in the creative choices of the work and the clients’ inner world. This therapeutic method enables clients to express their inner thoughts and feelings through creative expression rather than just talking about them.

Drama TherapyDrama therapy encourages clients to express their feelings and solve problems through storytelling, puppetry, role-playing, games, scripts, improvisation, and performance. Through role playing, improvisation, and creative expression, clients can practice scenarios like being in a relationship, or rehearse new skills that they would like to incorporate into their daily lives. Through these activities, the client can explore feelings, gain insight, and increase self-awareness. In addition, the client can gain new perspectives, develop communication skills, and practice problem-solving strategies. Drama therapy can also help build self-confidence and foster resilience.

Expressive Arts TherapyExpressive Arts Therapy is particularly beneficial for clients who struggle with describing what they are feeling verbally. Through imagination and creation of different art forms, clients are able to interpret and communicate their inner world and catalyze healing. Expressive arts therapy can involve the use of multiple modalities, such as visual arts, music, movement, drama, storytelling, poetry, and play. It is used to help individuals of all ages, including children and adults, to explore their feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, and solve problems.

Guided ImageryGuided imagery is a form of visualization used for relaxation and healing. It uses the power of the imagination to create positive changes in a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is also used to reduce stress and anxiety, cope with physical and emotional pain, increase motivation, confidence, and self-esteem, and to improve focus and concentration. During a guided imagery session, the practitioner will guide the client through a series of visualizations, using words and descriptions to help them create mental images in their mind. These visualizations can take many forms, such as a comforting place from the past or the client’s future goals.

Narrative TherapyNarrative therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the stories, or narratives, of a person's life in order to help them gain insights into their situation and develop skills to make positive changes. It is based on the idea that people construct their own stories and meanings to make sense of their lives and experiences. It emphasizes the strengths, values, and skills of the person, while also exploring the influences of culture and context on their life. Narrative therapy seeks to empower individuals by helping them to identify and use their inner resources to overcome challenges and create positive change.

Person-Centered Therapy (Rogerian Therapy)Person-centered therapy, or Rogerian therapy, was developed by Carl Rogers in the 1940’s. It is a form of talk therapy that emphasizes the importance of providing psychological safety, unconditional positive regard, and empathic understanding to clients. This type of therapy is based on the belief that individuals have an innate capacity for self-actualization and self-understanding and that the therapist's role is to provide a supportive environment in which this process can take place. Through the use of active listening, open-ended questions, and non-judgmental reflection, the therapist helps the client to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a safe and accepting environment. By doing so, clients are able to gain insight into their issues, develop a greater understanding of themselves, and work towards personal growth.

Play TherapyPlay therapy is an evidence-based, developmentally appropriate form of intervention used to facilitate emotional, cognitive, and social growth in children. Play therapy is based on the premise that play is the child's natural medium of self-expression and can be used to assess and help a child work through difficult emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. The goal of play therapy is to help children develop the skills and abilities to navigate life stressors, and build self-esteem. During treatment, the therapist creates a comfortable, safe environment (a playroom) for the child to play with as few limits as possible. The toys in the playroom are intended to encourage the child to express his or her feelings and develop healthier behaviors. The child’s “play” with these toys serve as the child’s symbolic words, which may be difficult to express otherwise.

Somatic Experiencing (SE)Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other physical and psychological stresses. It is based on the idea that the body is a powerful source of healing and that unresolved trauma can be resolved through the process of bringing awareness and attention to the physical sensations of the body. By gradually and gently guiding individuals through the sensations associated with their traumatic experience, SE can help to restore balance and well-being more quickly and effectively than traditional psychotherapy. SE utilizes the body’s natural ability to regulate and heal itself and supports individuals in developing more resilience and self-regulation. Somatic Experiencing aims to help people move past the place where they might be “stuck” in processing a traumatic event. SE is often used to treat symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.


Individual Therapy
Group Therapy