Telehealth Available
Camy Rachel Mizrahi
Type of Therapist:
Play Therapist, Social Worker
Primary Degree(s):
Average Cost Per Session:
250-350 NIS
Discounts Available:
Sliding Scale

Licensed Abroad

Licensed in Israel

  • Shmuel HaNavi
  • Bet Shemesh
Telehealth Available

Camy Rachel Mizrahi Verified Verified

Type of Therapist:

Play Therapist, Social Worker

Primary Degree(s):


Average Cost Per Session:

250-350 NIS



Discounts Available:

Sliding Scale

Licensed Abroad

Licensed in Israel

  • Shmuel HaNavi
  • Bet Shemesh


My aim is to provide a safe environment in which my clients can delve into, process and learn to naviagte the various challenges they face whether it is a new life adjustment, new diagnosis, difficulty with children, anxiety and or depression. Understanding how complex we are requires the knowledge and openness to meet each client where they are, and to help them navigate through their many layers with warmth and empathy. 

My approach to therapy is eclectic: I use various modalities like Sandplay therapy, child centered therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and Jungian psychotherapy. Having grown up in the West and my Middle Eastern upbringing has provided me a deep understanding of varying social snd cultural-ethno complexities. 

I currently see clients in private practice and at the Kupat Holim Meuhedet the Early Childhood Developmenat Center. There, I am a supervisor to other social workers.  In addition, I co-lead various evaluations including autism evlautions and diagnosis and provide parents with guidance and support in workthrough their children's diagnosis or developmental delays and behavioral issues.  Further, I provide treatments to children with emotional distress. 

I offer my services in English, French,and  Hebrew


Year of Graduation


New York University



New York University

Year of Graduation
Years in Practice


License Category
License Number / State
Master Social Worker

License Category
Master Social Worker
License Number
Registered Social Worker in Israel


Learn more about GHI's verification of therapists here.


ISTA (Israel Sandplay Therapist Association) Sandplay Practitioner 2021


Online Therapy



Anxiety / Panic

Autism Spectrum


Parenting Issues / Training


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Developmental Disorders

Family Issues


Life Transitions

Mood Disorders


Postpartum Depression


Stress Management







Attachment-Based Family Therapy (ABFT)Attachment-based family therapy (ABFT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the family's relationships and communication patterns. It is based on the theory that strong and secure attachments between family members are essential for emotional health and well-being. The goal of ABFT is to identify any problems in family relationships, enable family members to become more attuned to each other’s needs, and build a secure bond between them. It also helps family members to practice healthy communication skills, learn effective problem-solving strategies, and build trust within the family.

Body-Mind PsychotherapyBody-mind psychotherapy is an integrative approach to psychological treatment that draws from both psychotherapeutic and somatic/body-based approaches. It emphasizes the interconnection between physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual aspects of being. This approach seeks to help individuals explore how physical sensations, emotions, thoughts and beliefs influence their behavior and well-being. Through this exploration, individuals can gain insight into how the body and mind interact to create patterns of behavior, and how those patterns can be changed to promote healing and wellness.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on how one's thoughts, feelings and behaviors are connected and can be changed. It is based on the idea that how we think (cognition) and how we feel (emotion) can influence how we behave. CBT helps people identify and challenge distorted thinking and replace it with more balanced thinking, leading to improved mood and behavior. ‘Homework’, usually containing practical writing exercises, is often completed by the client between sessions to reinforce the therapy. Examples of tools that practitioners often use are journaling, challenging beliefs, and mindfulness.

DreamworkModern dreamwork asserts that the only person that can make meaning of their dream is the dreamer, which is what separates dreamwork from dream interpretation. In dreamwork, the practitioner is a guide in the exploration of the dream, with the client making meaning of the dream for themselves. The reason the practitioner is only a guide is because thoughts, emotions, as well as meaning of symbols are deeply personal and subjective. Dreams can be used to uncover hidden feelings and beliefs, develop self-awareness, and gain insight into problems and potential solutions. Dreamwork is often paired with other therapeutic modalities.

Family Systems TherapyFamily Systems Therapy is an approach to psychotherapy that emphasizes the importance of understanding how the family functions as a whole, and how individual family members interact and affect one another. It focuses on how family dynamics, such as communication patterns, roles, and power dynamics, shape behavior, and how changing these dynamics can lead to positive change. Family Systems Therapy is a collaborative approach, where the therapist works with the family as a whole to identify and address areas of conflict and distress.

Gottman MethodThe Gottman Method is an evidence-based approach to couples therapy that is designed to help couples strengthen their relationships and resolve conflicts. This method is based upon decades of research on thousands of couples and utilizes an approach that is both structured and collaborative. The method is designed to help couples increase respect, affection, and closeness, break through and resolve conflict, generate greater understanding, and to keep conflict discussions calm. It emphasizes the importance of self-regulation, constructive communication, and creating a safe environment for couples to talk and work through their issues. During sessions, couples work on skills such as active listening and expressing needs and feelings effectively. Couples are also given tools to identify and work through conflicts by using problem-solving techniques and developing strategies to manage emotions and reduce stress.

Jungian PsychotherapyJungian Psychotherapy is based on the theories of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. It focuses on helping individuals to understand and explore their inner self, and to discover the psychological dynamics that underlie their behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. This type of psychotherapy encourages individuals to become more aware of their own inner experience and how it affects their life and relationships. Jungian Psychotherapy also focuses on understanding the symbolic meanings of dreams, and how the unconscious mind influences behavior. Through exploring dreams, symbols, and other unconscious material, practitioners serve as guides to help clients identify patterns and themes that may be impacting their current behaviors and thoughts. It is an effective treatment for a variety of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and trauma.

Play TherapyPlay therapy is an evidence-based, developmentally appropriate form of intervention used to facilitate emotional, cognitive, and social growth in children. Play therapy is based on the premise that play is the child's natural medium of self-expression and can be used to assess and help a child work through difficult emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. The goal of play therapy is to help children develop the skills and abilities to navigate life stressors, and build self-esteem. During treatment, the therapist creates a comfortable, safe environment (a playroom) for the child to play with as few limits as possible. The toys in the playroom are intended to encourage the child to express his or her feelings and develop healthier behaviors. The child’s “play” with these toys serve as the child’s symbolic words, which may be difficult to express otherwise.

Sandplay TherapySandplay therapy is a form of psychotherapy that is based on Jungian psychology and is used to help children and adults explore their inner world using symbols and metaphors. It is a form of non-directive play therapy in which participants create a “sandbox” in which they construct three-dimensional scenes using tiny figurines and sand. Sandplay therapy is an effective form of therapy that helps clients explore their inner world, gain insight, and develop creative solutions to their problems. Sandplay therapy allows a person to construct their own microcosm using miniature toys and sand. What’s created acts as a reflection of the person’s own life and allows them the opportunity to resolve conflicts, identify and remove obstacles, and gain acceptance of self.

Systems Theory / TherapySystems therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on understanding how people's behavior is affected by their relationships with others. This form of therapy is based on the idea that the individual is embedded within a larger system, such as a family unit or work environment, and that changes to that system can cause changes in an individual's behavior. Systems therapy emphasizes the importance of understanding how these systems interact and how they can be changed to improve the individual's mental health. The therapist works to identify patterns of behavior in the system, identify areas of conflict or stress, and help the individuals develop strategies to make changes within the system that will lead to healthier outcomes.


Individual Therapy
Family Therapy
Hadrachat Horim
Home-based Therapy