Certified Jungian Sandplay Therapist
Hannah-Valeria Grishko
Clinical Social Worker, Psychotherapist
Certified Jungian Sandplay Therapist
350-500 NIS
Free Consultation
Your therapy is your own unique experience, and nobody fits into a box. My expertise gained through 20 years of practice coupled with life and professional experiences in Ukraine, United States, United Kingdom, France and Israel, offers a unique outlook at life’s challenges, especially when you are living not in the country of your birth. My fluency in French, English, Ukrainian and Russian and deeper understanding of cultural adaptation and growth that can happen in moving abroad offer a different dimension of understanding and insight to your therapy with me.
My solid educational background in the form of BA in Psychology (Honors) from the University of Chicago and MSW from New York University serves as an important base to my ability to think analytically, creatively and in depth as well as to thrive for excellence when working with you. My areas of specialty are:
• Grief, loss and bereavement (trained by David Kessler, in addition of my years of experience in this area)
• Trauma and trauma-informed therapy with adults and children, including sexual abuse and domestic violence
• Adjustment to immigration and identity formation for children, adolescents and adults
• Child psychotherapy/parenting and family work.
I am also experienced in working with various mood disorders as well as couple therapy.
I offer an integrative approach that fits your needs as close as possible. This approach includes talk therapy using different methods, body awareness, mindfulness or Jungian Sandplay therapy. I introduce these ways of working in the first few sessions, and we review your progress with me as we move along. Your therapy will be a collaborative experience between us. I bring my utmost positive regard, warmth, relatedness, high level of clinical experience and commitment to your well-being to ensure that you feel safe and protected in the therapeutic space with me. We know from research and years of clinical practice that your relationship with a trusted and competent therapist is key to a successful therapy for you.
I am a Certified Jungian Sandplay therapist and a Teaching Member of Israeli and International Society for Sandplay Therapy (ISTA and ISST), which is the highest level of membership and training. Jungian Sandplay is a non-verbal, creative and expressive therapy that allows you to express and work through challenges and dilemmas from a completely different angle, especially when words are just not enough! By accessing your creative and image-based right brain processing and symbolic language, you can gain access to a new level of inner resources and address your challenges in a way that bypasses your rational side. The tactile element of Sandplay is an inviable tool in a healing process.
When dealing with traumatic experience or any situations where you lived through strong emotions, sometimes talking is not enough. Trauma is not only limited to acts of extreme violence or war. In fact, my definition of trauma includes a wide range of painful emotional experience, ranging from rape, betrayal or divorce. What is often needed is an integrated approach that helps the body to process what happened on the somatic level. I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), which means that I have additional training in the most current approaches to working with trauma, such as Somatic Experiencing, EMDR and other ways of incorporating our growing understanding of neurophysiology of trauma.
My work has been published in the Journal of Sandplay Therapy, and I contributed a book chapter to a volume called Into the Heart of Sandplay Therapy. I also offered professional training and participated in conferences in Israel as well as Romania, Russia, China, Israel, UK and the United States.
New York University
Jungian Certified Sandplay Therapist (Teaching Member) -- Clinical Membership (2013), Teaching Membership (2015)
Clinical Trauma Specialist -- 2020
Approved Supervisor of Play Therapy UK/International -- 2015
Member of British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy -- 2016
Certified Grief Educator/Grief Certified Therapist - David Kessler (www.grief.com) - 2021
Online Therapy
Behavioral Concerns In Children
Parenting Issues / Training
Trauma / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD
Anxiety / Panic
Life Transitions
Psychosomatic Disorders
Self-Harm / Suicide
Sexual Abuse / Rape
Sexual Issues
Spiritual Concerns
Body PsychotherapyBody psychotherapy is an integrative psychotherapy approach that combines psychodynamic, humanistic, and somatic approaches with the goal of treating psychological and physical distress. It emphasizes the connection between body and mind, and works to increase awareness of physical sensations and emotions. Body psychotherapy practitioners may use a variety of techniques, including mindfulness, body postures, breath work, relaxation, and sensory awareness, to help clients become more aware of their bodies and to learn how to use this awareness to improve their overall wellbeing.
Body-Mind PsychotherapyBody-mind psychotherapy is an integrative approach to psychological treatment that draws from both psychotherapeutic and somatic/body-based approaches. It emphasizes the interconnection between physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual aspects of being. This approach seeks to help individuals explore how physical sensations, emotions, thoughts and beliefs influence their behavior and well-being. Through this exploration, individuals can gain insight into how the body and mind interact to create patterns of behavior, and how those patterns can be changed to promote healing and wellness.
DreamworkModern dreamwork asserts that the only person that can make meaning of their dream is the dreamer, which is what separates dreamwork from dream interpretation. In dreamwork, the practitioner is a guide in the exploration of the dream, with the client making meaning of the dream for themselves. The reason the practitioner is only a guide is because thoughts, emotions, as well as meaning of symbols are deeply personal and subjective. Dreams can be used to uncover hidden feelings and beliefs, develop self-awareness, and gain insight into problems and potential solutions. Dreamwork is often paired with other therapeutic modalities.
Existential PsychotherapyExistential psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes an individual’s subjective experience of existence. It is a philosophical approach to psychotherapy that views the individual as ultimately responsible for creating a meaningful life. This form of psychotherapy helps individuals explore their subjective experiences, understand their personal values and beliefs, find ways to live more authentically, and make meaningful choices. The ultimate goal is to help the individual reach a greater sense of self-awareness and personal fulfillment.
Expressive Arts TherapyExpressive Arts Therapy is particularly beneficial for clients who struggle with describing what they are feeling verbally. Through imagination and creation of different art forms, clients are able to interpret and communicate their inner world and catalyze healing. Expressive arts therapy can involve the use of multiple modalities, such as visual arts, music, movement, drama, storytelling, poetry, and play. It is used to help individuals of all ages, including children and adults, to explore their feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, and solve problems.
Family Systems TherapyFamily Systems Therapy is an approach to psychotherapy that emphasizes the importance of understanding how the family functions as a whole, and how individual family members interact and affect one another. It focuses on how family dynamics, such as communication patterns, roles, and power dynamics, shape behavior, and how changing these dynamics can lead to positive change. Family Systems Therapy is a collaborative approach, where the therapist works with the family as a whole to identify and address areas of conflict and distress.
Jungian PsychotherapyJungian Psychotherapy is based on the theories of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. It focuses on helping individuals to understand and explore their inner self, and to discover the psychological dynamics that underlie their behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. This type of psychotherapy encourages individuals to become more aware of their own inner experience and how it affects their life and relationships. Jungian Psychotherapy also focuses on understanding the symbolic meanings of dreams, and how the unconscious mind influences behavior. Through exploring dreams, symbols, and other unconscious material, practitioners serve as guides to help clients identify patterns and themes that may be impacting their current behaviors and thoughts. It is an effective treatment for a variety of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and trauma.
LogotherapyLogotherapy is based on the belief that our primary motivation for living is to find meaning and purpose in life. Logotherapy was developed by Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor. It focuses on discovering a person's unique meaning and purpose, and helping them to live a meaningful/purposeful life. This type of therapy is goal-oriented and often involves exploring a person's life experiences, values, and beliefs. Logotherapy may also involve creative activities such as writing, music, art, and other creative outlets.
Narrative TherapyNarrative therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the stories, or narratives, of a person's life in order to help them gain insights into their situation and develop skills to make positive changes. It is based on the idea that people construct their own stories and meanings to make sense of their lives and experiences. It emphasizes the strengths, values, and skills of the person, while also exploring the influences of culture and context on their life. Narrative therapy seeks to empower individuals by helping them to identify and use their inner resources to overcome challenges and create positive change.
Play TherapyPlay therapy is an evidence-based, developmentally appropriate form of intervention used to facilitate emotional, cognitive, and social growth in children. Play therapy is based on the premise that play is the child's natural medium of self-expression and can be used to assess and help a child work through difficult emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. The goal of play therapy is to help children develop the skills and abilities to navigate life stressors, and build self-esteem. During treatment, the therapist creates a comfortable, safe environment (a playroom) for the child to play with as few limits as possible. The toys in the playroom are intended to encourage the child to express his or her feelings and develop healthier behaviors. The child’s “play” with these toys serve as the child’s symbolic words, which may be difficult to express otherwise.
Psychodynamic TherapyPsychodynamic therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on the unconscious mind and how it affects behavior. It works to help people understand and work through past experiences and feelings that may be causing difficulties in the present. This type of therapy encourages individuals to explore their emotions, relationships, and behaviors in order to gain insight into their current difficulties. It can help individuals better understand themselves and their motivations, and gain insight into how past events have impacted their current lives. People tend to develop defense mechanisms when faced with challenges in life. Defense mechanisms may keep painful feelings, memories, and experiences in the unconscious. A few common defense mechanisms include: denial, repression, and rationalization. Psychodynamic therapists encourage people to speak freely about their emotions, desires, and fears. Being open may help uncover vulnerable feelings that have been pushed out of conscious awareness. According to psychodynamic theory, behavior is influenced by unconscious thought. Once painful feelings are brought forth and processed, the defense mechanisms are no longer needed and a person in treatment can start changing unhelpful patterns when coping with life’s challenges.
Relational PsychotherapyRelational psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on a person’s relationships with others and the dynamics between them. It emphasizes the importance of the therapeutic relationship between the client and the therapist, and it explores the meaning and purpose of relationships in the client’s life. Relational psychotherapy seeks to understand how the client’s past relationships shape their current experiences and how the client interacts with others. The goal is to help the person develop healthier relationships and better communication skills so they can become more emotionally connected to others.
Sandplay TherapySandplay therapy is a form of psychotherapy that is based on Jungian psychology and is used to help children and adults explore their inner world using symbols and metaphors. It is a form of non-directive play therapy in which participants create a “sandbox” in which they construct three-dimensional scenes using tiny figurines and sand. Sandplay therapy is an effective form of therapy that helps clients explore their inner world, gain insight, and develop creative solutions to their problems. Sandplay therapy allows a person to construct their own microcosm using miniature toys and sand. What’s created acts as a reflection of the person’s own life and allows them the opportunity to resolve conflicts, identify and remove obstacles, and gain acceptance of self.
Systems Theory / TherapySystems therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on understanding how people's behavior is affected by their relationships with others. This form of therapy is based on the idea that the individual is embedded within a larger system, such as a family unit or work environment, and that changes to that system can cause changes in an individual's behavior. Systems therapy emphasizes the importance of understanding how these systems interact and how they can be changed to improve the individual's mental health. The therapist works to identify patterns of behavior in the system, identify areas of conflict or stress, and help the individuals develop strategies to make changes within the system that will lead to healthier outcomes.
Individual Therapy
Couples Therapy
Clinical Supervision
Hadrachat Horim